Selasa, 08 Agustus 2017

The Various Health And Wellness Benefits That You Can Enjoy At A Spa?

A spa can be a great place to visit if you are looking for a weekend relaxation. People often say that spas are meant for people who have enough time and money for luxury. Well, that is not really the case. There are really some great benefits that the health and wellness services at a spa can get you.

Several researches have been carried out that has proven the benefits of visiting a spa. The research was carried out on employees of various sectors who visited a spa on a regular basis. The study found that such people slept better, took fewer sick leaves and felt both physically and mentally better.

So how can visiting a spa help you?

Visiting a spa can get you several benefits. Here are some:

Reduced stress

Getting various health and wellness services at a spa can help you a lot in escaping the worries of your regular life. Sitting in a hot water tub can release several stress-induced toxins from your body, giving you a healthier body. That is the reason why spa-visits increased after recession. People needed some time-out from their financial worries, thus, were found to visit spas for relaxation. You can do the same if your mind is always preoccupied with family and work tensions.

Improves blood circulation and blood pressure

Sitting in a bath tub goes a long way in regulating your blood pressure. Your muscles relax, allowing your blood vessels to expand, so that blood flows more freely, thereby, helping blood circulation and high BP. However, experts say that people with high blood pressure should consult a physician before going for a hot-tub bath.

Improves muscle and joint pains

Lying in a hot water tub help you relax your muscles and joints. This is primarily because the buoyancy of the water lifts 90% of the weight of your body. This means that the rest of your body does not have to work hard to support itself, thus, allowing your muscles and joints to enjoy a rare span of rest, that they hardly ever get under regular circumstances. This helps reduce tension in muscles and joints. People suffering from stiff muscles and painful joints can benefit from a hot water bath at a spa, that uses several other elements to enrich the experience.

Control glucose levels and helps in weight loss

A recent research has found that diabetics who rested in a spa for half an hour for six days a week helped them control glucose levels and weight loss. They even ended up needing lower doses of insulin.

Helps insomnia

Given the stress that we experience in our regular lives, every second person on the street is found to be suffering from insomnia. Lack of sleep leads to several other ailments that can potentially ruin your health irreparably. Visiting a spa relaxes and soothes your senses, thus, helping you sleep better at night, thus, giving you a better health and motivation to start your day the next morning.

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